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What is an AI Design Sprint?

An AI Design Sprint is a structured workshop to guide your team through the design, prototype, and validation of an AI solution that solves a specific business challenge.

How does the AI Design Sprint work?

The AI Design Sprint starts by identifying core business challenges. Then we identify key opportunities to apply AI effectively. This involves process mapping to pinpoint areas in current workflows. Next, we explore potential AI use cases, fostering ideation, and developing these ideas through collaborative prototyping. The sprint concludes with the creation of a roadmap document that outlines the next steps for implementing the solution.

What’s the AI Design Sprint process?

The AI Design Sprint includes a half-day session for framing, followed by two half-days for concept development and assessment. A one-hour post-sprint session then follows within a week to review outcomes and discuss the next steps. The result is a set of concepts for partial or complete automation of work processes. All told, this is 14 hours of workshop activity.

What results can we anticipate from the AI Design Sprint?

Expect to identify and prioritize opportunities for automating your business processes, create and technically vet an AI concept, garner employee support for AI initiatives through active participation, and make well-informed decisions with broad team input.

How does the AI Design Sprint ensure the validity of the solutions?

The AI Design Sprint validates the solution through a rigorous process of ideation, technical vetting, and stakeholder engagement. We create AI concepts and actively involve employees from relevant departments to ensure the solution meets business needs.

Who should participate in an AI Design Sprint?

The objective is to have a range of perspectives while keeping the group size manageable for meaningful collaboration and decision-making. A group size of 6 to 10 participants is ideal. Participants typically are business leaders, department heads, and individuals from various levels of the organization with insights into the affected business processes.

Do participants need to have technical or AI knowledge?

No technical knowledge is needed. Our facilitators and AI experts will guide you through the process.

What is expected from our team during the sprint?

Active participation, sharing insights, and a willingness to explore AI solutions to business problems.

What if we don’t have clear AI use cases in mind?

The sprint is designed to help identify and prioritize use cases, even if you start with a broad challenge.

Will we have a working prototype after the sprint?

The goal is to develop a conceptual or low-fidelity prototype that can be further refined into a working model.

What happens after an AI Design Sprint?

We provide a detailed document which includes a roadmap for development, conceptual models, and a plan for the next stages of implementation. This document is delivered within a week after the sprint to ensure timely and actionable follow-up.

Is there follow-up support and consulting after the sprint wraps up?

Yes, we offer post-sprint support to help you execute the roadmap and develop the AI solution.

Can you provide support after implementation of the AI solution?

Yes, we offer ongoing support and optimization services to ensure that your AI solutions continue to deliver value as your business evolves.

How do you handle data privacy and security during AI development?

Data privacy and security are our top priorities. We adhere to best practices and regulatory requirements to protect your data throughout the AI development process.

How much does the AI Design Sprint cost?

The price of the AI Design Sprint starts at $15,000 but can exceed $25,000 depending on the scope you envision.

Partner network

We have a network of partners across the United States and Europe. These alliances enhance our capability to deliver the right AI solutions for your business.
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